Access Control

oracle vision access control

Managing people – both staff and visitors – within the workspace is crucial for a business, whether they know it yet or not. At some point, a business or organisation will realise the advantages of knowing who, when and how people move around its premises and will want to explore the potential power of an Access Control System. The team at Oracle Vision are in the best place possible to offer solutions however simple or complex the site.

We install and support access control systems in organisations ranging from NHS trusts and airports through to social housing and schools. You name the challenge – we’ve seen it before, having solved what feels like hundreds of obstacles. Regardless of the complexity, we delivered access control system installation that totally satisfies each customer. Every year we either install, service or maintain hundreds of doors across the country- it’s what we do.

These days, access control systems are extremely clever, very easy to use and can potentiall offer more benefits on its own than any other electronic security solution. A good access control system should, at its basic level, stop the unauthorised, monitor the authorised and tell you whenever that changes. Access control systems create an environment that can remove temptation, improve health and safety and influence behaviour. However, applied badly they can be dangerous, or at the very least frustrating and unproductive – a costly lesson to learn.

Our 5-step design process removes that worry. You are involved in the planning so you have total control. Our team will take care of the access control system installation so you receive a solution that you are completely happy with.

Options beyond the basic level of an access control system are vast. The following are just a small portion of the features you can expect from a professional solution. In many software applications you get these at no additional cost, so they’re real value-added benefits.

  • Time and attendance monitoring, linked to payroll
  • Building management, including lighting, heating, asset tracking etc.
  • Full site ‘lock-down’ process for high-risk breaches of security
  • Automatic Fire Register print-off linked to the fire detection system
  • Visitor management
  • Room booking, linked to Microsoft Outlook Calendars

When your access control system installation is combined with other security solutions, you really harness its power. The ability to connect seamlessly with another tool such as VSS, fire alarms and building management is where the magic really happens.

Integrated Systems

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